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Please help us to provide a better service and produce statistics to secure future funding for the Disabled Workers Co-operative (allowing us to continue to offer it FREE to disabled workers throughout the country) by completing as much of this form as possible. The statistics generated help us provide evidence for the service we offer. Your personal details will NOT be passed on to any other parties.

What best describes you?
How did you 1st find our website?
- Please describe
What is your sex?
What is your age group?
What is your Ethnic Group?
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
What area do you live in?

Have you used the Disabled Workers Database
to search for a skill, product or service?
If Yes, what did you search for?
If Yes, was the Search successful?

Were you trying to find out about something else?
If Yes, what were you looking for?
If Yes, did you find it?

Please indicate your experiences of the Following

Using the Website.
Registering on the Database.
Using the Database to search for a skill, service or product.
Subscribing to the e-Newsletter.
Using the Forum.
Using the Website Directory.
Finding out about the Disabled Workers

Do you have any other comments to make?

Do you require a reply?
If YES, please provide your e-mail address

Disabled Workers Co-operative

The Disabled Workers Co-operative Ltd. Reg No. 4418227

Registered Charity No. 1112402

Community Fund - Lottery Funded


© Disabled Workers Co-operative 2002 - 2014
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